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The Photographer's Ephemeris v1.5.2 APK

Posted by Apps For Android

The Photographer's Ephemeris v1.5.2 APK
The Photographer's Ephemeris v1.5.2
Requirements: 4.1 and up
The Photographer's Ephemeris (TPE) helps you arrange open air photography shoots.

TPE is a guide driven sun and moon adding machine: perceive how the light will fall on the land, be it day or night, for anyplace on earth.

Perfect for scene, nature, travel and open air picture takers, TPE's guide based approach implies you can look for wherever name on the planet or position the guide stick precisely where you need it.

Propelled highlights include: programmed time zone and rise location, amendment for climatic refraction and tallness over the skyline. You can even decide when the sun or moon will be obvious from behind adjacent slopes and mountains.

Five guide sorts are offered, including two topographic maps, perfect for scene and nature picture takers. Open Street Map and Open Cycle Map Topographic offer programmed disconnected support: any tiles you view are consequently reserved for disconnected utilize.

Key components:

- Time and heading of dawn and nightfall

- Time and heading of moonrise and moonset

- Phase of the moon and % light

- Times of common, nautical and cosmic dusk

- Graphical show on a guide (Standard, Satellite/Hybrid, Terrain, Open Street Map, Open Cycle Map Topographic)

- Rotate and tilt the guide for the ideal view

- Compass-based auto-revolution of the guide

- Movable guide pins - simplified the stick precisely where you require it

- Search for areas by place name or enter organizes specifically

- Save any area you need - no settled records

- All components accessible in both picture and scene mode

- Does not require arrange association for rise/set time, azimuths and sun/moon position

Propelled highlights:

- Automatic time zone recognition for any area on earth

- Determines height above ocean level

- View azimuth and elevation of sun/moon for at whatever time of day/night

- Distance, bearing and height edge between any two focuses

- Import areas from KML records

- Offline use with Open Street Map and Open Cycle Map Topographic maps

- Light contamination outline

Nerd highlights:

- Find when the sun/moon will show up from behind a slope

- Compensation for climatic refraction

- Compensation for rise over the skyline


- Maps and rise based computations require an information association with capacity (aside from )

- Locations outside ±80° scope (exceptionally far north and south) are unsupported

- Map auto-pivot requires a good gadget (with magnetometer and accelerometer)

- Requires that you have Google Play Services and Google Maps introduced on your gadget. Most gadgets as of now have both introduced. TPE will provoke you to introduce these in the event that they are absent.

End client permit understanding: http://photoephemeris.com/android-eula

If it's not too much trouble visit http://photoephemeris.com/support#android_support on the off chance that you experience any difficulty introducing Google Play Services.

TPE for desktop has been a most loved of picture takers around the globe for a considerable length of time. Presently you can convey it with you.

What's New

1.5.2 b84

- Fix for rise/set bolt UI glitches on a few gadgets

Note: we plan to discharge Skyfire for Android as an independent application at first, with the component likewise in accessible in TPE after dispatch of the independent application.

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