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AutomateIt Pro v4.0.225 (Google Play) APK

Posted by Apps For Android

AutomateIt Pro v4.0.225 (Google Play) APK
AutomateIt Pro v4.0.225 (Google Play)
Requirements: 2.2+ | Lucky Patcher

AutomateIt is intended to make your life simpler via robotizing different assignments on your Android gadget.

AutomateIt PRO has every one of the merchandise that the free form has and it's a promotion free, without popup rendition with some marvelous new and propelled highlights.

AutomateIt Pro has won third place at BestAppEver.com in the Most Innovative App class for 2011 - http://bestappever.com/grants/2011/victor/iapp

http://www.androidapps.com - "Cool and inventive!"

AutomateIt Pro gives an arrangement of helpful principles:

Ration control when battery level is low

Calm around evening time when screen is off

Vibrate mode amid gatherings

Max volume when headset unplugged

Bring down volume when headset stopped

Unmute by SMS

Consequently turn on/off speaker amid call utilizing nearness sensor

And that's only the tip of the iceberg...

The propelled highlights incorporated into this adaptation are:

• Composite Triggers - utilize more than a solitary trigger for each govern utilizing AND/OR rationale between these triggers

• Composite Action - execute a few activities subsequently of a solitary trigger (which can be a composite trigger)

• Rule Active Period - set a dynamic period for each run the show. Truly valuable in the event that you just need a specific administer to be dynamic just amid daytime, ends of the week, only a hour a day and so on.

• Sensor Trigger - use all your gadget' sensors as a trigger for a coveted activity. This incorporates use of the considerable number of sensors bolstered by Android - Accelerometer, Light, Proximity and so on.

• Calendar Trigger - screen occasions on your diverse date-books

• Enable/Disable Screen Lock Action - Enables or cripples your screen bolt slide/design/secret word/stick

• Cancel deferred execution by trigger - Auto-wipe out postponed execution when characterized trigger is propelled

• Cell ID Trigger - Trigger while associating or disengaging from characterized cell cells (Unlimited number of predefined spared areas)

• Recurring Event Trigger - Executes a characterized activity each characterized time interim

• Copy Rule - Create another administer, in view of a current one


• Bug fixes

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