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BlueVPN+ APK v2.5

Posted by Apps For Android

BlueVPN+ APK v2.5
Requirements: Android 4.0 , 4.2 , 4.1 ,4.3 and 5.0 (NOT Kit Kat versions 4.4.*)
Overview: This system opens a VPN association through the bluetooth or USB channel and permits to explore the web without a Wifi or an inherent 3g module.


This project opens a VPN association through the bluetooth or USB channel and permits to explore the web without a Wifi or an implicit 3g module. It obliges one of:

- full Android cell phone/tablet with Bluedun introduced and running

- new GPRS telephone with Dial-Up Networking (DUN) help

- great USB Stick with 3g or PSTN Modem

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